Senin, 01 April 2013


Posted by Nurul Havizah at 02.47 0 comments
BY GRYFFINDOR CLASS 11 IPA 1 (2012-2013)

I'd like to say that My Class as Gryffindor has been doing Harlem Shake and the video is officially on the Youtube.
Awalnya, emang udah jadi rencana anak kelas buat Harlem Shake, tapi kita gatau mau fix kapan dan mau gimana aja. Setelah berminggu-minggu being our problem, so we decided buat Harlem Shake di hari Sabtu tanggal 23 Maret 2013. Kebetulan hari itu kelas kita kebagian pentas drama, yang secara ga sengaja kita bawa alat-alat drama nya sendiri, mulai dari kostum, make-up, dan gerobak cilok yg dibuat di sanggar tempat kita latihan.

Hari Sabtu pagi pelajaran BK, kebetulan guru nya ga masuk, jadi kita mulai Harlem Shake pas pake Seragam Pramuka, dimulai dari Brendan nge dance sendiri, karna ga ada yang bawa helm ke kelas jadi kepalanya ditututupin pake tas =D 
It was very funny, honestly it was so hard to make sure that i could hold on my laugh off !

Dan beberapa detik kemudian.....

Look Up ! Screenshot itu diambil pas kita abis pentas drama, kira-kira dua jam dari Screenshot yang pertama, dan itu karena kita tampil drama dulu jadi kostumnya pun ganti, almost maximum to do the Harlem Shake (Cover) =D

And guess what? i also made the Gif 
i love this one, it just awesome "Gerobak Cilok" and it felt like in the concert XD

After a few days, i posted the video and i inputted STOP MOTION also, soooooooo crazy but funny.
and this is the video, happy watching !


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